Trinity Teacher of the Week — Mr. Mike Budniak
January 6, 2015

“To those whom much is given, much is expected.”
Trinity science teacher Mr. Mike Budniak takes to heart the spirit behind John F. Kennedy’s words.
From serving the poor of Appalachia to helping clear debris off the land of tornado victims, Budniak truly believes in service to others.
He is known for his numerous annual projects, which involve guiding students into service for many people. What exactly drives the man to do these projects of service and kindness? Budniak said, “There’s a lot of people out there; they need a lot, and if I can provide even a small, small bit of that, then that’s part of why I am here.”
When asked about the impact service projects have had on him, he said, “I get a wonderful sense of satisfaction, if not of completing a job, at least knowing that I have made somebody’s life just a little bit better than would have been the case otherwise.”
Budniak did have trouble coming up with his favorite service project: “Wow, that’s a real hard one. I have such vivid and positive memories, most especially of trips outside of Louisville. I don’t think I could pick a favorite because each of those projects brought completely new experiences and opened my eyes in new ways. So every one that can do that, becomes a favorite. That means all of them.”