Chinese Classes Receive $10,000 Grant
January 8, 2015
Trinity’s Chinese course is new but has taken a huge step forward. Ms. Jocelyn Shi, who teaches Trinity’s Chinese I and II classes, received a $10,000 grant for the course.

Shi found out about the grant possibility from a Western Kentucky University’s Confucius Institute representative in September at a conference held in Lexington.
The approximately 40 students in Trinity’s classes are expected to double in the next two years. Shi said the grant money will be devoted to “classroom materials, decorations and/or scholarships to visit China in the summer.”
Shi elaborated on her hopes of a possible trip to China: “The best way to learn a language is stay at that country for a while, but the expense of traveling overseas is very high. Now at least we can take care of part of it. (The grant) is very helpful.”