Juniors, Freshman Selected for Prestigious Programs
May 20, 2015
Two Trinity juniors and a freshman are in for exciting and educational summers. Advanced Program counselor Dr. Aaron Striegel nominated the three students for their respective programs:

Trinity junior Cameron Barnett has been “selected to participate in the New Albany (Ind.) Entrepreneurship Academy; dates for the Academy are June 14 – 19.” According to his acceptance letter, Barnett was “one of just a handful of students selected from this region. Student selection was based on academic prowess, positive character and future potential for success.
“The Academy sponsored by Purdue University and Indiana University Southeast will offer a week-long course on entrepreneurship. On the final day of The Academy, teams will give a 15-minute pitch to a panel of judges in a business plan competition. Tuition vouchers will be awarded to Purdue University or Indiana University to the top three teams whose presentations are judged by college professors to have the best solid business strategy and potential for success.”
Trinity junior Jorge Allen Rojas-Ortega was selected to join

the 2015 MIT Online Science, Technology, and Engineering
Community (MOSTEC). His acceptance letter included the following: “We look forward to working with you and an exceptional group of students from all over the country this year. The 2015 MOSTEC class will represent a diversity of communities, cultures, interests, and academic successes.”
Trinity freshman Drew Hankins was selected to attend and participate in the prestigious Lincoln University Ag-Discovery Summer Enrichment Program. The program will take place July 12-25.

Hankins’ acceptance letter included the following: “Lincoln University and the United States Department of Agriculture …. commend you on your accomplishments and
welcome you. The faculty, staff, and students in the School of Agriculture will work diligently to help ensure that you have a rewarding experience. The objectives are to educate in the fields of animal/plant science, aquaculture, urban gardening and cultural enhancement.”