Fall Moments — Skype, Hildegard House, Pushups and Thanksgiving Prayers
Mr. Michael Budniak puts his all into the pushups Principal’s Challenge.
November 28, 2016
Juniors Connect with Warrior Expeditions Founder Via Skype
Juniors in Ms. Karen Flipper’s English 303 class Skyped with Captain Sean Gobin, USMC (Ret.) as part of their career research project.
Mr. Allen Hornung, from Trinity’s IT Department, set up a video Skype feed on an iPad that was fed through the classroom projector and speakers so students could communicate with Gobin from his East Coast location.
Gobin founded the nonprofit Warrior Expeditions, an organization that takes veterans on hikes, bicycle tours and kayak trips in its mission to aid combat vets in their reintegration into civilian life.
Gobin answered questions from students related to his military experience that led to starting Warrior Expeditions and his work and educational experience, as well as questions about making major life choices and starting and maintaining a nonprofit.
Gobin, who was recently interviewed by NPR, spent 12 years in the US Marine Corps and was named one of CNN’s Top 10 Heroes of 2015 for his work with Warrior Expeditions.
Trinity junior Modou Sall said, “He is a great man for helping soldiers get back to a normal life.”
— information provided by Ms. Karen Flipper
Aquinas House Assists Hildegard House
As part of their House service project, members of Trinity’s Aquinas House, directed by Ms. Betsy Darby, traveled to the Hildegard House in Butchertown during advising on Thursday, Oct. 27. The students helped the facility prepare its upstairs area for renovations and volunteer training.
The students moved furniture, helped with landscaping and assembled medical bedding. Their work will help the facility prepare for renovations. Abbie Trowbridge, volunteer coordinator at Hildegard House, said, “The patient room these boys helped set up will be used to train volunteers to take care of our patients.”
Darby believes that one of the most important aspects of the House System is its focus on community service. As part of their goals for the year, Darby and the Aquinas House captains decided that service to others should be the priority if they are to emulate the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Darby said, “In order to live out the school’s mission, we think it is important to incorporate service throughout the school year rather than just holding a few weeks of collections or donations. As men of faith, we are called as Christians to serve those in the community. This is our way of making a yearlong commitment to helping others.”
The Hildegard House provides quality short-term, end-of-life care and access to hospice services to people in need without loved ones or with loved ones who live too far away to care for them. Every resident cared for at the facility has access to a hospice team, nurse, nurse’s aide, social worker and chaplain. Hildegard House’s commitment is to provide comfort and compassion while respecting the dignity of every human being.
— information provided
by Mrs. Betsy Darby/THS Website
Former Trinity Teacher Shares Message of Hope
During Thanksgiving Prayer Service

During the Thanksgiving prayer service Ms. Cory Lockhart shared her experiences teaching abroad.
Former Trinity teacher Ms. Cory Lockhart spoke at the annual Thanksgiving prayer service on Nov. 22. Lockhart shared her experiences teaching in other countries. She emphasized the power of human connections to overcome differences and conflict.
Lockhart was introduced by Campus Minister Mary Emrich.
Romero Wins Principal’s Challenge
Romero House contestants won the Principal’s Challenge with a combined 1,156 pushups in 90 seconds. More than 9,200 pushups were registered in the challenge. Photos and video by Matt Gadd.