One Sandwich at a Time, Biddle Siblings’ Initiative Helps Feed the Homeless

photos provided by Ms. Pam Biddle
An SOS sandwich-making session to provide food for the homeless.
November 8, 2017

An SOS session with Ryan Biddle’s tennis teammates.
Trinity junior Ryan Biddle and his twin sister, Erin, took a simple idea and initiated a way to provide food for the homeless. Five years ago the Biddle siblings started Students Offering Sandwiches, a group that provides sack lunches for those in need through various organizations, among them St. Vincent dePaul, Wayside Christian Mission, and Forgotten Louisville.
The twins receive assistance from friends, family, teammates and classmates during their once-a-month sandwich sessions and have provided more than 3,600 sandwiches.
The work of SOS has been featured in the Oldham Era and on ABC’s Great Day Live!
According to Dr. Pam Biddle, the twins’ mother, Ryan coordinated a a “sandwich-making opportunity” with Trinity teacher Mr. Michael Budniak, a moderator of the Green Cross Club. She described the work of SOS as “trying to make the world a better place.”