Using a Juul Doesn’t Make You Cuul
June 2, 2018
Are you looking for a new way to get a nice unhealthy dose of toxins? Are you looking for a new way to feel weird in the head? Are you looking for a new way to make yourself look like a kid who can’t make good choices? If you answered “yes” to any on these questions then a Juul is the perfect product for you.
A Juul is a form of electronic cigarette that was originally created to be an alternative for adult smokers but has recently grown very popular among teenagers. There are many reasons as to why teens began this huge fiasco.
When asked why he has a Juul, Teen One, who asked to remain anonymous, said, “I mean, we really like to get buzzed. There are three main reasons why it is so popular: it’s healthier than regular cigs, you get buzzed way more, and it’s a real stress reliever.”
There are other ways to relieve stress than pumping your lungs full of God-knows-what.

Staff Columnist
Another reason why Juuls are so popular is because they are a form of electronic cigarette that uses something called a “pod system,” which is basically a small cartridge containing the e-liquid that is inhaled and a battery. All that needs to be done is to connect that small cartridge to the battery and it’s ready.
“It’s really simple and convenient, which is why teens probably like it so much; all the hard work is done for them,” said Martin, manager of the vape shop Wild Vape.
Those “pods” are also a one-time use thing, which means that the demand for pods is always there.
“It’s very easy to go through pods. They’re very addictive, so when you go through a pod, you gotta get a new one,” Teen One said.
Those pods aren’t free, either; in fact, they’re expensive. A Juul costs about $35 and pods run about $4 each.
While Juuling may be a bit healthier than smoking traditional cigarettes, there are many dangerous side effects that come with it. Each pod holds 0.7 milliliters of e-liquid and of that tiny amount of e-liquid about five percent of it is nicotine, which is an insane concentration.
“They say that one pod has about the same amount of nicotine in it as a whole pack of cigarettes,” Teen Two said.
More and more teens are getting hooked on Juuls, and the demand for pods is growing.
Juul pods contain many toxic ingredients, including glycerol, a byproduct of soap production used as a laxative and for making explosives and antifreeze; propylene glycol, a liquid alcohol used as a solvent in antifreeze and in the food, plastics, and perfume industries; benzoic acid, a substance in benzoin and other resins and is used as a food preservative; and nicotine, which is toxic by itself.
Juuling is a very dangerous habit due to its addictive qualities and all of the dangerous chemicals; however, some teens don’t notice or care about this, which leads to them taking in a dangerous amount of nicotine, which in turn leads to addiction.
The idea that Juuls are just being used by adults who want to stop smoking is false. Too many teens are hurting themselves by inhaling a ton of harmful chemicals.