Rocks and KFOA Wearing “Steve Strong” Wristbands
Support for Trinity Teacher and Sports Minister

The Trinity community and the Kentucky Football Officials Association are wearing “Steve Strong” wristbands to support Mr. Steven Tompkins as he undergoes medical treatment.
September 20, 2018
Trinity teacher and Director of Sports Ministry Steven Tompkins has a second major surgery coming up next week. After surgery, he will begin a two- to three-week treatment/chemo program that will keep him in ICU for the duration.
While his day job is here at Trinity, on Friday nights Steven is an excellent high school football official, and then on Saturdays, officiates at the collegiate level as well. In support of their brother and fellow football official, the Kentucky Football Officials Association will be wearing “Steve Strong” wristbands for the next few weeks as Steven goes through his treatment protocol.
With the generosity of the KFOA, we have arranged for these bands to be available for Trinity faculty and staff. Should you desire to obtain one in support of Steven, please stop by the Athletics Office.
— Athletics Office