Trinity Senior Puts Language Skills to Excellent Use
Makes French Teacher Proud!
February 24, 2019
Trinity senior Tanner Langley put his French to good use at the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl event, held at Assumption High School on Feb. 13.
Trinity world languages teacher Mr. Alan Wilson described the encounter:

“At the event, students from various Catholic high schools got to meet and greet immigrants who have been placed in Louisville by CRS. Tanner met one such immigrant named Pascal, who was from the Congo and did not speak English.
“Tanner discovered that the gentleman spoke his tribal language and French, so Tanner tried out his ‘high school French’ on the new Louisville resident. Pascal was pleased, and they spoke French for about two hours.
“Tanner says it was a ‘rough’ conversation, with some ‘Googling’ of words and phrases and some funny mistakes made. But overall he was a great help to Pascal that evening.”
A proud Wilson, Tanner’s French teacher, said Tanner “interpreted parts of Archbishop (Joseph) Kurtz’s message and, since there was a meal, also got to use French food vocabulary. Tanner said he was speaking in past, present, and future verb tenses. Wow!”
More about the Catholic Relief Services: