A Fond Farewell to the Record-Setting Class of 2019

photo by Aidan Koch ’21

The Class of 2019 received more than $44 million in college merit scholarship offers.

ECHO Staff

Trinity High School’s 63rd annual Commencement saw 279 students walk across the stage in Bellarmine University’s Knights Hall.

After the record-setting class — $44 million in college merit scholarship offers — heard words of advice from two fellow alumni honored at the ceremony, Trinity President Dr. Rob Mullen conferred diplomas.

With humor and heartfelt lessons taken from their Alma Mater, Honor Alumnus Award recipient Mr. Richard Bealmear, Class of 1959, and Trinity Peace Medal recipient Mr. Russ Read, Class of 1971, encouraged the graduates to challenge themselves and continue to build on the foundation they received from Trinity.

Honor graduates recognized during the ceremony were Leo Borders, Grant Brown, Brandon Chou, Alex Cox, Christopher Elder, Andrew Grimm, Tom Kalmer, Carson Malone, Sammy Mattingly and Dominic Vogt.