For Trinity Rising Senior, Educational Justice Makes Major Difference

Colin Murphy, Staff Reporter

photo by Signature Studio
Trinity rising senior Logan Thomas works as an Educational Justice activist.

From doing simple math at a restaurant to find out how much is needed for a tip to winning a trivia game with a fact taught in a fifth-grade social studies class, not much is more important than learning. But not everyone has an easy road in school. The Educational Justice program  works to make learning easier for those who struggle.

Some students in the Louisville area need extra practice so they can get on track in their classes or improve test scores. They can receive tutoring from high school students who become Educational Justice activists.

Trinity rising senior Logan Thomas, an activist, tutors students — called achievers — on a weekly basis throughout the school year. 

In Educational Justice both the achievers and activists learn life lessons. Through tutoring, the activists learn to share knowledge that provides achievers with life lessons.

Mr. Moshe Ohayon founded Educational Justice “to help level the educational playing field for underserved students.” Educational Justice offices are located at 737 South Third St. in downtown Louisville.

Thomas said, “Right now Educational Justice is small, and what they are trying to do is get more places, tutors, and tutoring times to impact large numbers of people.”

Thomas doesn’t tutor because he needs community service hours at Trinity. He feels what he is doing is important. He said, “I’m doing it to help out the community, and when they asked if I would return next year, I said yes.”

Thomas spoke of how proud he was when his achiever improved significantly in math.

Thomas’ classmates speak highly of him. Lucas Murphy said, “Logan is fun outside of school. One of Logan’s best traits are just his willingness to learn and participate.”

Trinity counselor Mrs. Emily Waford spoke of the importance the kind of tutoring Thomas is doing can provide within a school. She said, “Tutoring (in school) is really important because there are a number of students who are struggling or may not be able to have access to tutoring outside of school due to finances or busy schedules.”

Thomas and Educational Justice work to solve those problems for students who don’t have access to tutoring within their schools.

More information can be found at the Educational Justice website: