Senior Sees Opportunities in Tough Situation
April 17, 2020

“When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters — one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” — John F. Kennedy
I feel this quote involves my everyday life during the coronavirus crisis. I think of the ways this crisis could be harmful to me, whether that be mentally or physically. With the virus going around, I have not been able to do things a normal senior in high school would do.
I have not been able to go my Senior Prom and spend the last few weeks with people I may never talk to in person again. I missed spring break, and as a senior I am worried that I may not be able to go back to Trinity and be a student. That last thing has me thinking wow, how I have taken these last three and a half years at Trinity for granted.
At the same time, I can see opportunities to help improve myself through this crisis, mentally and physically. I purchased a ukulele because I have always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument. It is something challenging but fun, and I feel that it can keep my mind off the things going on throughout the world.
Also, a way I have been able to improve myself physically is by going on daily walks with my family. Not only are we able to spend quality time with each other without distractions of phones and television, but I am not just being a couch potato. As my dad told me, what goes up, must come down. I now can see that the problems we come along will only make things better in the end when we overcome them.