Twelve from the Class of 2020 Receive Shammy Awards

Will Kempf was the Mr. Trinity Shammy recipient.
May 21, 2020
The Shammy Award winners for the Class of 2020 were announced on May 15.
The winners, voted on by the entire Senior Class, are typically announced at the Prom.
The recipients were the following:
Mr. Fall Sports………………….JM Butler
Mr. Winter Sports …………….Landon Lenhart
Mr. Spring Sports……….…….Jack McClellan
Mr. Football…………………….Ryan Miller
Mr. Basketball…………..…….Andrew Brian
Mr. Baseball………………..….Braden Barry
Mr. Intramural……………….Will Bennett
Mr. Performing Arts………..Nate Caudill
Mr. Visual Arts…………….….Preston Romanov
Mr. Scholarship………………Isaac McQuillen
Mr. Service…………………….Lucas Murphy
Mr. Trinity …………..……….Will Kempf