Rest in Peace, Mr. Tompkins ’81
September 8, 2020
Mr. Steven Tompkins, Class of 1981 alumnus, Trinity teacher, Director of Sports Ministry and Gonzaga House mentor, passed away this morning.

Coming to Trinity in 1996, Mr. Tompkins served as Trinity’s Senior Development Officer, Director of Alumni Affairs, and Director of the Annual Fund, was the head golf coach for four years and the head baseball coach for 12 years.
Prayers go out
to Mr. Tompkins’ family.
May Steven’s soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
John and Carrie McKenzie • Sep 9, 2020 at 6:12 pm
We’ve known STEPHEN from our time at Saint Martha and as a friend. He was a good man in so many ways and a great man and so many more!
Robb Metry THS ‘78 • Sep 9, 2020 at 8:58 am
I’m am sorry for the loss of Mr. Tompkins to the Trinity Family. Memory Eternal.
Paul Vale • Sep 8, 2020 at 7:45 pm
Steven was the alumnus, back from college, as my small group leader for my Senior Retreat in 1985. When I returned to Trinity to teach in 1994, I was amazed at all of the former teachers who would now be colleagues and friends. Steven’s return to campus in 1996 was a rekindling of a fantastic friendship. I have known many people in my life. But, never has such a wonderful soul, filled with joy, laughter, reverence for our Catholic faith, and love of his fellow human beings been so prevalent. Steven was never too busy for a friend. Leading Senior Retreats with Steven was a highlight of my career, and my life. Steven understood when to be somber, when to be tough, when to hug, and when to share a big belly laugh out loud in true fellowship. The world is lesser place without Steven Tompkins in it. Anyone who knew him, knows that’s true. God keep you, Steven, and enfold you in His Divine love for eternity. Amen.
Rob Beaven '91 • Sep 8, 2020 at 3:51 pm
Steven “Inch” Tompkins was like most teachers and coaches at Trinity; Kind, Considerate, Caring, Friendly, Loving, Faithful, of Strong Will and Mind, Focused, Available, Thoughtful, Outspoken, Great Listener, Big Hearted, Loved Trinity with all his will!
Steven was always there for anyone and everyone! In the 20 years I knew Steven, I never heard No or we can’t do that mentality. Steven always went the distance for family, friends and his faith. Steven was always accountable and held individuals accountable. Steven was my Friend and my Brother for Life and the next one. He’s without Pain and Sorrow. Celebrate Steven’s Life, that’s the way he would want it! He is still a great man with an incredible legacy, he’s was many individuals bright light. He was my teacher/coach and friend. I love you Steven and will miss you greatly!
Tom Ruxer • Sep 8, 2020 at 2:24 pm
I had the privilege of being in a wedding of my niece & Steve’s nephew. We both read the 1st & 2nd readings. I remember doing Rock Paper Scissors in the pew to see who went first. I lost that day & I lost today hearing of Steve’s passing. There’s no more pain, no more suffering.
Prayers to his family.
Chris Bowling • Sep 8, 2020 at 12:42 pm
I had known Steve from St. Martha growing up. Always had tremendous respect for him and he was a great guy. Prayers for his family.