A Big Thank You for Caring!

photo by Goldie Ashford

In the Student Affairs Office, Mrs. Jacqueline Harrell serves as school nurse, along with Mrs. Vickie Pennington. Mrs. Renee Hook is the administrative assistant, and Mr. Randy Perkins and Mr. Trevor Timmerberg are directors of student affairs.

ECHO Staff


Trinity nurse Mrs. Vickie Pennington (photo by Signature Studio)

Few places on Trinity’s campus buzz with nonstop action like the Student Affairs Office. Focusing on the health of students and making sure they are in the right places and doing things the right way, the SAO exemplifies the caring Shamrocks spirit.

Mrs. Vickie Pennington and Mrs. Jacqueline Harrell serve as school nurses. Mrs. Renee Hook is the administrative assistant, and Mr. Randy Perkins and Mr. Trevor Timmerberg are directors of student affairs.