ACE Program Provides Hands-On Mentorship

photo by William Blevins ’20

Last year’s ACE (Architecture, Construction, Engineering) Mentor Program group featured experts in various fields who worked with students.

Chase Pulford, Staff Reporter

Architecture. Construction. Engineering. Combining those fields with exploration and passion leads to impressive results.

ACE mentoring at Trinity involves students coming together as a community to design and construct. Students connect as a team and learn more about construction and the building of useful structures.

ACE at Trinity, for example, created a grill design just outside the football stadium and are now working on a roundabout and clock tower on Sherrin Avenue.

ACE mentoring is a worldwide program with the goal of encouraging students to pursue careers in architecture, engineering and construction through teaching them the techniques and skills in the industry.

Because of COVID, ACE hasn’t been able to have their weekly meetings so far this year. In addition to meetings, the group also normally takes field trips related to their projects.

The ACE Mentor Program moderator, Mr. Chittissery Mathai, went into detail about how ACE was started and how he stepped up and took the role as a leader.

Mr. CM said, “The main goal of ACE is to promote engineering to students. There are a lot of opportunities for engineers, and the goal is to have students come into the group, learn construction and architecture, then earn scholarships and make engineering their career.

Mr. CM, who teaches physics and aerospace science, said, “Engineering and physics go together.”

ACE is ready for bigger projects in the future and is looking forward to innovating as much as possible. When they design structures, they focus on “sketching the project out, taking all of the measurements, and making sure they have all the requirements fulfilled for water and electricity,” according to Mr. CM.

John Vanetti, a senior in the ACE group, said he enjoys the program because “people that are actually in the industry of engineering who have lots of experience come to their meetings and teach them small tips and tricks to become a better engineer.”

Vanetti, who started with ACE as a sophomore, said, “We have many hands-on activities like switchboards and architectural diagrams that we work on as a group.”

Vanetti, who has encouraged a number of his friends to join the program, said, “ACE is really fun — and there is pizza at every meeting!”

Another senior member, Jake Claypool, spoke of the impact the program will have on his future plans. He said, “ACE has changed me because it has shown me that I’m on the right path. ACE is going to lead me to follow my passion for engineering into college.”