Trinity Juniors Tour Spalding University, JCTC Technical College and AMIT Center
March 30, 2022
In conjunction with Trinity’s Technical College and Career Fair and junior job shadowing program, Trinity teacher Ms. Betsy Darby’s junior English classes traveled to Spalding University and JCTC Technical College and Advanced Manufacturing and Information Technology Center to explore their college options.
While at Spalding, juniors met with admissions counselors, went on a campus tour based on potential college majors and heard about how Spalding’s smaller campus can meet the learning and diversity needs of Trinity students. Students broke off into groups to talk to academic deans in various departments. They heard advice on how to be successful as a first-year student, programs of study and what students can be do while on campus to build their resume while attending classes in Spalding’s unique block schedule.
Students also had the opportunity to eat on campus at the school’s dining facility. After lunch, students traveled to JCTC’s Technical Campus. While on site, Trinity students learned about the Work Ready College Scholarship program, which allows students working in the automotive technology, HVAC, plumbing, carpentry, and welding programs, among others, to attend classes at any of its campuses for free.
While touring the facility at 8th and Chestnut, students heard from both current students and program teachers about the benefits of enrolling at JCTC. While at the newly built AMIT center, students met with teachers to hear about their robotics programs and more about the school’s computer programming and 3-D printing lab.
The junior college visit was scheduled and arranged by Trinity college counselor Mr. Matt Manning. Trinity college counselor Ms. Allie Kerns and Traditional Program Director Shannon Barr also joined the group on campus. — Mrs. Betsy Darby