A Fond Farewell to Mrs. Carrie Joy
August 18, 2022

Mrs. Carrie Joy will be leaving Trinity to serve as Communications Director at St. Margaret Mary Church/School. Her last day at THS is Aug. 19. Senior Director of Development Mr. Brian Monell described Joy’s work as Alumni Event Coordinator: “Carrie’s impact on Trinity and our alumni is immeasurable. I know we will all miss her expertise in alumni event planning/execution and especially her kindness. Thank you, Carrie!”
Trinity President Dr. Rob Mullen expressed his appreciation for Joy’s many contributions: “She served in many roles here, the most recent as orchestrator of alumni events. Reunions, golf outings, the Hall of Fame banquet, Alumni Retreat, the Emerald Society Brunch, Easter Egg Hunt, and on and on, all benefitted from her organization and enthusiasm. Alumni that she served very much appreciated her help. She has been a great ambassador for our work. Thank you, Carrie. I am glad you are staying in service to our Church.”