Vier Jahre Deutsch mit Herr Hurt! — Four Years of German with Mr. Hurt!
With the exception of Isaiah Mosby (far right), who came in as a transfer student Mr. Jeff Hurt called “practically bi-lingual,” all of these guys took fours years of German with Hurt.
May 12, 2023
They came in with Trinity German teacher Mr. Jeff Hurt, and they are leaving after taking German for four years!
Of his four-year German students, Hurt said, “Being a department of one, we’ve spent the maximum amount of classroom hours together — even more than advising. Their four years at Trinity were also my first four years here. I think that’s pretty cool. Those four years were not without hiccups, also known as COVID-19. In any case, we’ve all learned a lot; and it’s been fun! I wish them all nothing but success!”