Trinity has recently welcomed a new math teacher this year. Kirsten Snyder, who
previously taught at Butler High School, has a history of teaching for the past 10
years. At Trinity, she is an algebra 1 and algebra 2 teacher. She is also an advisor for Seton house.
Snyder is excited to be teaching at Trinity and is looking forward to what the future of
Trinity holds for her. When asked about how she recognizes the Trinity
brotherhood, she said it stands out, and it’s obvious to see the brotherhood that is
built in these walls. Snyder went on to say, “Some of my husband’s best friends
till this day are his friends from Trinity.”
Snyder talked about how she notices the school spirit and how much Trinity
means to the families and staff, but especially the students and how it shapes the
kids to be the best version of themselves. Whether it’s the classroom or on the
field, Trinity helps the kids become as successful as possible.
One thing Ms. Snyder likes about Trinity is that “the students must put
their phones. I think helps create a better focus on the class work and helps
students with not being distracted a lot of the time.”
Another element she likes when comparing her previous work to Trinity is block scheduling. “The block schedule helps students learn more and spend more time with the class being 75 minutes.”
Welcome to the family! Mrs. Snyder, we wish you the absolute best year.