Senior Dean Townsend and Sophomore Max Corbett have both been elected positions for the Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA). KYA is a multi-day conference where students from all over the state go to debate bills acting as Senators and Representatives in the state’s legislature. Townsend and Corbett are both veterans of the program.
Townsend’s first encounter with the program was in middle school at Holy Spirit. “My sister was the person who really encouraged me to join the club. At first, I was hesitant because it sounded like a lot of work but when I joined, I immediately loved it.”
Townsend is the President of the Bluegrass Senate. He is responsible for overseeing the Freshman and Sophomore debate at the conference. Townsend was selected to run by Trinity’s KYA moderator, Walter Mata. Townsend was selected due to his experience.
Trinity’s delegation is comprised of Seniors through Freshman. Corbett is one of the youngest in the delegation but has a highly coveted role.
Corbett is the Lt. Governor of the conference; he will lead the legislative program in the senate chambers. Like Townsend, Corbett started his journey with the program in Middle School at St. Albert.

Corbett is still actively involved at his alma mater, last year he “helped the middle schoolers draft bills and speeches.”
Both Townsend and Corbett attributed their interest in the program and their roles to their older siblings. Townsend said, “My sister encouraged me to run for presiding officer because in high school she ran and was elected the Speaker of the House.”
Corbett’s older brother, Jack, was also involved with the program during his time at Trinity.
Corbett plans to stay with the program in the future. “This is something I want to do all four years here.”
Townsend wants to make the most out of his last year with the program. “I am most looking forward to meeting new people… I have been able to meet so many great people and ones that I am friends with today.”
Keep up the impressive work.