Last week, a delegation of Trinity students attended the Kentucky United Nations Assembly conference here in Louisville. Thanks to the facilitation of Walter Mata and Jorge Serrano – as well as Chaz Kapfhammer and Max Corbett, co-presidents of Trinity’s Y-Club – the conference was very successful for the Trinity students who participated. The Shamrocks showed incredible professionalism and were recognized both as a delegation and individually.
The Shamrocks were awarded the Outstanding Statesmanship award for an excellent display of character from the entire delegation and was declared a Premier Delegation.
Kaphammer served as KUNA’s editor and chief of the Media Corps, presiding over the documentation of the conference.
Caron Song was appointed to be next year’s security council president.
Henry Mitchell’s resolution (representing Qatar) was passed in voting committee and endorsed by the Secretary General. Griffin Fredrick, Gavin Scott, and Nolan Williams’s resolution (representing Yemen) and Davis Dauk and Gboyega Fakunle’s resolution (representing Ecuador) also passed in voting committee.
Aidan Lambert was awarded the Outstanding Speaker Award and Henry Mitchell was awarded the Outstanding Ambassador Award.
Trinity’s security council team, consisting of Corbett, Song and Matthew Stoflet, representing China, was declared the best security council team.
Paul Nguyen won the showcase round of the International Court of Justice.
The photos were taken by Nolan Williams, with some much-appreciated assistance from Wyett Bonifer during a bill presentation and Sebastian Roccisano during the awards photos.