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Reflections with ECHO Seniors

Reflections with ECHO Seniors


On Friday, May 10, Trinity’s class of 2024 had their last day of high school classes. The ECHO staff has seen incredible leadership from its seniors this year. These seniors reflected on their time at Trinity, elaborating on life lessons, positive memories, wisdom they’ve gained, and the many ways they have grown since stepping through the doors of Trinity for the first time. Enjoy these seniors’ final writing piece below.


Davis Gallahue

Over my time at Trinity, I’ve created many great memories that will stick with me for the rest of my life. One of these was the home opener for the football season my junior year against Center Grove. Center Grove was on a 30-game winning streak, but the Rocks’ student section was packed. It was so packed I couldn’t find a half decent seat, so I stood on a trash can. The game wasn’t supposed to be close, but students and players came rowdy and loud. The game went into second overtime and had the whole student section ready to explode with excitement. Center Grove scored after us and decided to go for two. When the pass fell incomplete, the student section erupted. Despite all the professional games I’ve watched with buzzer beaters and hail marys, this was the most electric sports moment of my life so far and maybe ever. This moment envisions what Trinity means to me. It shows our brotherhood with the insane turnout to support the team, and it shows our drive for success in everything we do.


Drae Vasser

An aspect of my life that has grown during my time at Trinity is my ability to open up. Not necessarily opening up and expressing myself to others, but just opening up to new friendships and new people. Here at Trinity, there is a brotherhood, but you don’t truly experience it until you buy in. I bought in and made new friends. Not only did I make new friends, but I also spoke to everyone, which goes a long way. Junior year I only spoke to guys on the basketball team, or guys who played a sport in general. Senior year, I tried to make new friends no matter what their hobby or occupation was, and it is one of the best decisions I made. I am so much closer with everyone in the school


Ben Braun

One positive memory that I have from my time at Trinity would be the student section at the Trinity vs Saint X game at Cardinal Stadium. Me and all my friends got in line at 5:30, and as a result, got the front row. What made it stick out to me was the camaraderie among everyone in the student section, and how that helped the team. I noticed people bonding over the game who weren’t even friends at the time. This, combined with the fact that we won, really made the day for me. This, to me, really showed me what Trinity was all about.


Dean Verret

At Trinity, I’ve learned many things over the years and many of these things have stuck with me. These that stuck with me were the things that grew me as a student, person, and man. Specifically, in my senior capstone class taught by Coach Owens, I learned that life isn’t about money, popularity, fame, or the nice fancy things. Life is about relationships, love, and living out your best self which I realized not only Coach Owens had taught me this, but being here at Trinity has as well. All the great people and relationships I’ve formed here have made me happier and better as a person which I will always thank Trinity so much for.


Jake Schweitzer

High school was an amazing time filled with many amazing memories. It was the place where I made lifelong friends, had unforgettable adventures, and discovered so many new things about myself. From the exciting football games to the hilarious moments in class, high school was a time of growth, fun, and endless possibilities. I will forever be grateful for my time at Trinity High School and it saddens me to think about how my time is quickly coming to an end.


Manny Summers-Bates

One of my favorite things about my time at Trinity is all of the connections I have made with people. Without those connections, I would not have run cross country my senior year, and that was an unforgettable experience. I was convinced to run by one of my friends on the last day of junior year; it was an impulsive decision, but I am so glad I made it because being a part of that team was genuinely life-changing. I would not have been a part of the video board team or TTV or student government.


Chaz Kapfhammer, Editor-in-chief

My four years here at Trinity are hard to grasp into just a few paragraphs. 8 Semesters, 16 Quarters, and countless hours spent studying. My time in this school has been unique, it’s been one that I will be able to look back on with pride and confidence. Knowing that I took full advantage of what these walls were able to provide to me. Even before I stepped foot on campus, I knew this place was special. I saw the impact it had on my life through my dad. My father was a graduate in the class of 1989, his time here was instrumental in his success in life. Lessons on and off the field from Coach Lampley helped shape him into the man he is today. I saw the impact it had on my brother, a graduate in the Class of 2020. From his first day as a freshman to his final day as a senior, I saw the change he had endured and saw how much this place meant to him. I knew that whenever my time came to step foot on campus. I had some big shoes to fill.

My first day was completely online. Consisting of four full classes completely online. To say the least, I was bummed. But nonetheless, I maintained faith and kept pushing through, coming in during those Workday Wednesdays and eventually before I knew it, I was in my second year of high school. My sophomore year was completely different. I quit playing football at this point and was at a crossroads on what to get involved with. I decided to sign up for the broadcast journalism course, and this would be the best decision of my time at Trinity.

The broadcast journalism course opened my eyes and mind to the world of journalism, one that I plan to pursue in college. I made connections with my teachers and peers, which caused me to flourish. This course pushed me out of my comfort zone. I learned and allowed my creative juices to flow. I am proud of what I have done in these halls. I tried to the best of my ability to live up to the legacy that my brother and father cemented. Just yesterday, I finished my last day in this school as a student, I can only describe it as bittersweet.

The opportunity to attend this school is one that I will cherish forever. Knowing that these short four years will play a major role in my development as I continue through my journey of life.


Charlie Schmidt

One memory I will never forget was the first time I stepped on the field at Cardinal Stadium as a sophomore to play St. X. The feeling of stepping on the field for the first time was a feeling I will never forget. If there was any way to describe the feeling it would be that it felt like you were in a movie. I will never forget many moments at Trinity and my advice to the seniors next year is to do everything possible and be in the moment.



Additionally, the ECHO seniors wanted to leave behind a few things in their senior wills.

Senior Wills:

I, Chaz Kapfhammer, will my presidential duties and power to rising Senior Class President Noah McQuillen.

I, Chaz Kapfhammer, will my legacy of the Trinity Shamrocks Football Instagram to Carter Haus, knowing you will grow the account to bigger and better things.

I, Drae Vasser, will my positive and uplifting spirit. I am passing this to the junior members of the Trinity ECHO. I want them to uplift moods and carry positivity into every room they step foot in.

I, Manny Summers-Bates, pass down my ability to create connections to anyone who is willing to take it and who will be a senior next year.

I, Ben Braun, will my constant late JUGs to Parker Jacobs.




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