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70 Years of Trinity Fashion

70 Years of Trinity Fashion


Trinity High School has been around for 70 years, and our beloved school has changed in many ways — one of the most interesting and dramatic change has been everyday school wear. Fashion has been a part of Trinity’s culture since the school opened in 1953 and has continued to change drastically with many different styles, so we will be exploring current styles, styles from the 1980s, and styles from the 1960s.



The style today consists mainly of a button down, pullover, tie, Sperry’s or Heydude shoes, and khakis. A few students, however, stand out with their style. One student, Cameron Buttorff, stands out with his vibrant pullovers and designed headphones. Buttorff says that he expresses himself with his style, using his clothes to stand out.

Cameron Buttorff, sporting vibrant quarter zip

Colorful, patterned quarter zips are becoming popular again at Trinity, but most students wear single-colored quarter zips or just a button down shirt. Senior Nate Tronzo has a different approach to his daily school wear compared to other students. Tronzo’s approach focuses on comfortability and simplicity: Tronzo wears the same short-sleeved, green-striped shirt every day for the whole year. Tronzo stated that “I didn’t dress to impress, and I come in every day to just get my work done.” Students at Trinity today wear a variety of clothes for a variety of reasons, but it ultimately comes down to their mindset and approach to school. The current Trinity fashion in one word would be diversified.





Trinity in the 80s saw a big transition due to the political state of the United States. Times were changing in the 80s and fashion saw a change in hairstyles and all types of clothing. Clothing became a lot more vibrant during this time. Shirts with obscure designs became popular at Trinity. Pants became more colorful, coming in green, red, tan, and more. Short, fat ties became popular and are something you could only see in this period. Students in the 80s could also not wear pullovers but sweaters were allowed. Hair became longer and less groomed as students were influenced by media such as Motley Crue and fashion trends of the time. Trinity also had significantly less dress down days. Today, Trinity adapted throughout the years to allow more dress down days for students who donated to the charity the school chose. The 80s were a unique time for fashion as world tensions and celebrity influences took hold of the younger generation and can be seen in this era of Trinity fashion.

Photograph from 1980s, courtesy of Trinity archives



The 60s can be described with clean cut short hair, sweaters, khakis, and button downs. The school

was just founded, and dress code was constantly changed, so ties didn’t become mandatory until the mid-60s but were still commonly worn. Students could also earn a Shamy Award by being voted the best dressed in their class. Varsity letterman jackets were very popular during this time. Patches were worn on them to show off awards and achievements such as championships. This period of Trinity fashion could be considered, by students’ standards today, simpler than recent times. Students often wore plain white shirts and skinny ties, giving more of a uniform feeling for the time.

Schmidt in a 1960s letterman jacket


Trinity’s fashion has been a big part of our culture since its founding. The style has flowed and changed constantly throughout time, both in dress code rules and how students express themselves. Every student has their own unique style that defines them in a way. What makes Trinity’s fashion special is the photographs and memorabilia that have been taken care of and passed down by Trinity’s archives. These pieces are cherished so that we can look back at our history and where we grew from.

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