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An Ode to New Beginnings

Welcome to Mrs. Jennifer Barz, Trinity’s new library media specialist
An Ode to New Beginnings

Many students at Trinity will notice a new face when they walk into the library: Trinity’s very own brand-new library media specialist Jennifer Barz. We were able to discuss her love for literature and most importantly her exiting new role at Trinity. With years of experience in education she brings a wealth of knowledge and potential to help make the library a useful tool and a welcoming place for students.

Barz was born in Virginia but raised for most of her life in Louisville. However, after she got married, she relocated to Chicago which is where she raised her kids. “Everyone thought I had horses and a farm when I moved to Chicago,” she laughed, “but Louisville isn’t what people often think it is. Moving to Chicago was a great transition for me into living in a big city.” However, due to greater job opportunities in Louisville, she decided to move back home.

After Barz graduated with an English degree from the University of Kentucky and a master’s in education from University of Louisville, she began teaching at Ballard High School. Since then, she also became the principal of St. Andrews, Our Lady of Lourdes, and Holy Cross High School. With a very impressive resume under her belt, it’s no question the amount of experience and expertise she brings to the table.

Her years as a principal helped her develop strong leadership skills. “As a teacher, you’re leading students through curriculum, but as a principal, you’re leading students, teachers, and parents, which comes with a different set of stressors.” This will all translate very well into the role of leading students in their library endeavors.

The switch from long-term principal to librarian was described as a rewarding one. There are some challenges, though. “Running a library involves more than just handing out books. There are logistics, like categorizing and labeling books correctly so that students can easily find them. It’s a different challenge, but one I’m learning to manage.”

But so far, the good has far outweighed the bad. Barz mentioned the job of being able to once more work alongside students and teachers, building meaningful relationships. “[The library] is a place where students should feel welcome—whether they’re athletes, scholars, or anyone in between. I want it to be a resource center where students know they can come for help,” she said reemphasizing her goal of making the library a warm and inviting place.

To round off the interview we asked which book she would recommend to every high schooler to read. Without even hesitating she said Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”. “It’s not just about civil rights or social justice; it’s about growing up, trying to understand the world, and finding your place in it,” she said with passion.

As she continues to settle into her role at Trinity it’s clear that she’ll be making a positive impact. “I want the library to be a place where students can find answers—whether it’s a book or advice about life after high school. Trinity prepares students for what comes next, and I hope the library will play a big part in that,” she said. With her unique background and impressive leadership skills we’re all excited to be a part of Mrs. Barz’s legacy as Trinity’s library media specialist.

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