One face that many see almost every day on their way out of school is our Sherrin Avenue crossing guard, Mrs. Lynette Krebs. Krebs is from Toledo, Ohio, and has been a crossing guard for 28 years, and with her 25th year at Trinity being this month. She is one of the many unsung heroes of Trinity High School who work diligently to keep us safe every single day.
Krebs has a very relatable family background. She is a grandmother with two sons and two grandkids. She is also a proud pet-owner, and mentioned to me her three cats and one dog. She moved to Louisville when she was younger because of her parents, and has been here ever since.
Other Jobs
As a crossing guard, she is also an employee of the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD). Crossing guards can put their picks in for schools they want to work at and it is selected in a “draft” based off of seniority. She works at more than just Trinity: She also works at Chenoweth Elementary, Westport Middle, Saint Matthews Elementary, Greathouse Elementary, and Goldsmith Elementary.
ACE Club
Soon, Trinity plans to alter Sherrin Avenue as part of our acquisition of the road from St. Matthews. This is going to be a very large construction project, but, as someone who is out on that road every day, she had very valuable insight to provide. One idea being proposed by the ACE club is adding a median in the middle of the road to make a more easily usable sidewalk and improve the look of the road. When asked about how to make traffic on the road better, she said that it really wasn’t too large of an issue. After all, she is able to finish monitoring the road after 3:10.
Mrs. Krebs is far more than just the friendly face who helps us cross the street safely each day—she is a cornerstone of our community, embodying dedication and care. Whether she’s guiding students across Sherrin Avenue or sharing her insights on improving our campus, Krebs reminds us that it’s often the unsung heroes who make the biggest impact.