In conjunction with Trinity’s Technical College and Career Fair and junior job shadowing program, Trinity teacher Mr. Jake Williams’ junior English classes traveled to Bellarmine University and the Technical College at JCTC to explore their college and career options.
College and career counselor Matt Manning explained Trinity’s partnership with Bellarmine including its new direct admit program. As part of this program, any student at Trinity with a 2.75 GPA or higher will be accepted as a future Knight on Bellarmine’s campus following graduation.
While at Bellarmine, students were led on a full campus tour including a look at science classrooms, freshmen dorms, the university’s chapel and meditation center, and the food service program. Students heard about academic programs, clubs on campus and about the school’s Division I athletics program. Students also had an opportunity to hear from current students about why they should choose to continue their education at a small, Catholic university in their hometown.
Junior Sam Smith asked student tour guides, “What types of music programs are there on campus for students?” Bellarmine tour guides explained that while on campus, students seeking a Bachelor of Arts in Music have opportunities to create electronic music and learn about how to apply digital recordings. Students in this program are also given the opportunity to perfect their craft with on-campus live performances.
While at JCTC’s Technical Campus, students learned about the Work Ready College Scholarship program. This program allows students working in the automotive technology, HVAC, plumbing, carpentry, and welding programs to attend classes at any of its campuses for free.
While touring the facility at 8th and Chestnut, students heard from program teachers about the benefits of enrolling at JCTC and how their programs prepare students for hands-on work in high-demand fields. While on campus, students toured the carpentry and auto mechanics labs. They were able to watch a portion of a plumbing class. Students also heard from HVAC instructor Kelly Hudgins, who explained the benefits of working in his labs to prepare for a career in heating and cooling.
The junior college visit was scheduled and arranged by Trinity college counselor Mr. Matt Manning. Trinity teachers Ms. Shannon Barr and Ms. Betsy Darby also joined the group on campus.