The members of Aquinas House, led by director Mrs. Betsy Darby, spent much of May 1 relaxing and playing games as the prize for winning the annual House Cup. This link will take you to Trinity performers entertaining House members during the day: video clip by Sam Schafer
Flannan House earned the first Eckert Cup, named after retired teacher Mr. Gene Eckert, who is the school’s longest-serving teacher. The award is given to the House that has the highest GPA. Mr. Alan Wilson is the House’s director.
CLAY RECEIVES TOP NOTCH TEACHER AWARD Representatives from the Mall St. Matthews presented Trinity teacher Ms. Missy Clay with the community Top Notch Teacher Award. Clay was nominated by a student in her class and won an online vote to earn the distinction. Clay received a $500 Mall gift card, a box of Godiva chocolates and a fruit basket. The nomination from her student is below: “Ms. Clay engages her class in ways that keep English and grammar interesting and fresh. Her relaxed style keeps the stress level down and the attention level high in her class. She has an excellent rapport with her students which garners her a lot of respect. All the Trinity High School teachers care about their students and provide excellent educational tools for them to learn. Ms. Clay is top notch in her field.”

THOMISON, SCHILLER RECEIVE HOUSE MAN OF THE MONTH HONORS * The Romero House Man of the Month for April is junior Matthew Thomison. Thomison was nominated by House director Mr. Dave Case. Thomison coached the St. Michael’s eighth-grade basketball team to several tournament wins, is running the 800, 1,500 and

3,200 distances for the track team, has earned a 4.0 YTD GPA, is a member of the Environmental Club, is running for officer positions within Beta Club and NHS, and was in charge of the second-place Romero trivia team with coach Craig Kannapel. Thomison was also recently elected as the Romero executive captain. * The Gonzaga House Man of the Month for April is senior Mitch Schiller. Mitch was nominated by House director Mrs. Jackie Carrico and adviser Ms. Debbie Walling. Carrico said of Schiller: “Anytime I’ve asked Mitch to do something concerning Gonzaga, he has always come through. If he himself wasn’t able to participate in a certain event, he made sure there was someone who could. He is a very reliable and personable young man.” Walling reflected on her four years as Mitch’s adviser: “I have known Mitch for four years.

As a student he was a hard worker who loved learning. Throughout our years in advising, I have watched him blossom into a responsible young man with outstanding leadership skills. I encouraged him to run for offices, including House captain. He is respected by peers and faculty. He is a kind young man who knows what it means to be a gentleman and man of character.”