photo by Ryan Coleman
TTV shines in WKU Film Festival Competition
Students in Trinity’s broadcast journalism program recently competed in the 2014 Western Kentucky Film Festival High School Video Competition.
This year’s competition was the largest in its 14-year history. The competition featured nearly 400 submissions from 39 different regional high schools.
Trinity students received six award nominations, the second-highest number received. Michael Corrigan and Dodge Fielden received a nomination in the PSA/AD category for their advertisement “2013 Pride Week Football Promo.”
Corrigan and Elliott Sternberg’s story “Basketball Preseason Preview,” Hayden DeLozier and Dodge Fielden’s story “Dennis Lampley – Athletic Legacy,” and Corrigan and DeLozier’s story “Dr. Zehnder – Trinity Icon” received nominations in the Feature News category. Trinity’s daily news program “TTV” and its monthly newsmagazine “The Rock” received nominations in the Newscast category.
The winners of the competition were revealed May 7 at the 2014 Western Film Festival High School Screening and Awards Ceremony. DeLozier and Fielden’s story “Dennis Lampley – Athletic Legacy” was named best Feature News story.
Brumback to attend national conference
Trinity sophomore Zach Brumback will attend the National Young Leaders Conference sponsored by George Mason University. The conference will be held June 15-21 in Washington, D.C.
Peplinski earns first in regional culinary contest
Graduating senior Peter Peplinski traveled to St. Louis May 9-11 to compete in a regional culinary contest. Peplinski took first place in the competition, garnering a $5,000 scholarship in the process. He now earns the right to compete in the National Tournament in Los Angeles May 31.
Sandman achieves Eagle Scout rank
For his Eagle Scout Service Leadership Project, Sandman renovated the entrance garden at the Creasy Mahan Nature Preserve in Oldham County. He and his team of volunteers removed stones and weeds from the garden. Also, several truckloads of soil were spread to level the garden to allow it to drain properly. Additionally, Sandman built a natural stone raised garden bed that adorns the entrance to the parish office.
Eckert, a member of Trinity’s cross country and track teams, was honored as a student-athlete for his service to his the Louisville community. He received the Mulloy Properties Community Service Award.
The mission of the 100 Black Men of America is to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic for all African-Americans. Fakunle and Johnson were honored at the 100 Black Men Annual Derby Scholarship Gala on May 1 at the Galt House Hotel & Suites.
Congratulations to Trinity’s Logan Porter ’14, who was recognized in the Kentucky High School Athletic Association’s (KHSAA) CLASS Awards Recognition Program.
Porter submitted an essay during the application process, along with two letters of recommendation. Head baseball coach Steven Tompkins ’81, who wrote one of the letters for Porter, commented: “Logan’s essay was phenomenal.”
Porter will receive a $350 scholarship award, which will be given to only one student (male and female) for each of the 16 Kentucky regions, at a banquet May 4. He is also eligible for a much larger $3,000 scholarship, which will be presented on May 4 to only one boy and one girl in the state.
Mr. Tom Rueff ’66, a member of the school’s maintenance team and HVAC expert, placed third in the local level of the 2014 Veterans Creative Arts Competition in the music category. Rueff sang the Frank Sinatra song “My Way.”
Sammet accepted for Centre College program
Congratulations to Trinity junior Ben Sammet, who applied for the Centre College Summer Scholars program and was accepted. The program runs for two weeks starting June 29.
Students selected for three Governor’s Schools
Trinity will be well represented at all three of the Governor’s Schools this summer.
Out of thousands of applications received by each program, 11 Trinity students were selected to participate. They will be living and working for three to five weeks on the campuses of Bellarmine University, Centre and Georgetown colleges, Morehead, and Murray State universities.
Juniors Luke Archer, John Dyar, Mac Graven, Nick Hoffman, Nathan Larch, Derek Nafziger, AaronRoseberry and Matt Thomison were selected for the Governor’s Scholars Program.
Juniors Aiden Blake and Connor Breen will be attending the Governor’s School for the Arts, and freshman Chidum Okeke has been chosen for the Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs.
School Board approves revised mission statement
An important message from Trinity President Dr. Robert J. Mullen ’77
The Trinity School Board unanimously adopted a new school mission statement at its April meeting. It states:
Trinity is a Catholic, college-preparatory high school, forming men of faith and men of character.
We think our mission statement should say in a concise, straight-forward, easy-to-remember way, what we do.
I explained in my fall column for The Leader that we were in the process of revising our mission statement. A consultant we used during our latest round of strategic planning suggested that we consider moving to atransformational mission statement format. Obviously, to transform something is to change it.
That caught our attention. It got us thinking about re-wording our mission statement to reflect what we believe is of utmost importance at this time for our students. We spent the past nine months asking stakeholders for ideas. Parents, students, alumni, faculty and staff members, supporters of the school and community members all weighed in. Many good ideas were suggested.
Here is why we like this new statement about “what we do.”
We expect more from our students. There are two words aimed at what we think our students are called to be, in addition to doing serious classroom work. These words are on posters in classrooms. They are spoken at assemblies. They form the basis of conversations about right and wrong. The times demand that these words be in our mission statement. The words are “faith” and “character.”
By including these words in the powerful format of our mission statement, we are calling ourselves to greater accountability for making our mission come true for our students. These words have been carefully chosen because they are so transformative. They sum up what we are trying to do through the Trinity experience.
I wrote in a recent Parent Newsletter:
“As society continues to fray around the edges, we are more committed to calling our students to the values of Scholarship, Discipline and Responsibility. We will repeatedly explain that our rules are built upon the values of Courtesy, Respect, Cooperation and Honesty. When these values are lived, character emerges. We are serious when we tell our young men they are called to be Men of Faith and Men of Character. Through opportunities for prayer, service and reflection, we model and call them to this responsibility. We expect it in the halls, classrooms and at sporting events.
“If we do it right, after a student experiences this faith community, he will have caught that he isn’t the center of the universe. He will know God’s love, but just as importantly, be ‘other-directed.’ When this realization and the development of his character are integrated into four years of rigorous academic pursuits, the result should be a young man ready for the challenges of emerging adulthood.”
This is what we do.
FBLA Rocks earn honors
Ten Trinity students competed in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Convention at The Galt House Hotel & Suites Mar. 15, participating in eight events that tested students’ knowledge of business and technology concepts.
Five of the 10 students finished in the top three in their respective events, qualifying for the national conference this summer in Nashville.
Ben Baughman finished in third place in Business Law, Charlie Tancula and Tyler Cissell each placed third in Public Service Announcement, and Kyle Quinn and Scott Lee finished second in Management Decision Making. Trinity’s chapter of FBLA is moderated by Sr. Kathy Cash.
Math Rocks win awards
Trinity received awards at the Greater Louisville Math League’s post-season district awards ceremony at Spalding University Apr. 29:
* First place – Chris Collins * Second place – Will Paris * Fourth place – Collins, Jack Feger, Jacob Kalbfleisch * Overall second-place team in the district – Trinity
Congratulations to those receiving awards. Special congratulations to Nick Finney, Josh Fakunle and Andrew Volkovitski for their efforts to support the team in receiving its trophy.
ECHO staff earns six awards in WKU contest
Four members of the ECHO online newspaper won six awards in the annual Western Kentucky University Mark of Excellence Journalism Contest.
Editor in Chief Jake Smith led the way with three awards: first place in Feature Writing and Sports Writing, and second place in Sports Photography.
Editor Ryan Coleman placed second in News Writing.
First-year writer Tyler Harris finished second in Column/Review Writing, and sophomore Forde Womack placed third in News/Feature Photography.
Harville receives scholarship
Senior Clay Harville was presented with the St. Matthews Chamber of Commerce Scholarship at a breakfast held at Big Spring Country Club Apr. 16.
Coach Scotty Davenport helped present the awards to several St. Matthews area seniors. Harville was photographed with his mother, Mary, and Davenport.
Trinity Choir receives Distinguished rating
The Trinity Men’s Choir received a Distinguished rating at the Kentucky Music Educators’ Association (KMEA) assessment, which was held at the University of Louisville School of Music Mar. 12. This represents the highest rating that is attainable in the assessment festival.
According to the judge’s score sheet, the following criteria must be met in order to receive the Distinguished rating: “Represents a superior performance. All basic elements performed on an exceptional artistic level with nearly a flawless performance and technical presentation.”
“This is a big deal for us, and the choir guys are rightfully proud,” Trinity choir director and music teacher Mr. Scott Ross said. “It’s quite an accomplishment and something for which the school can be very proud.”
Dugan Unsung Hero Award recipient
Congratulations to Trinity senior Alex Dugan, who received the Unsung Hero Award, given by the Rotary Club of Louisville.
12 receive Shammy Awards at Prom
The following were Shammy Award recipients at the Senior Class Prom:
Mr. Fall Sports: Kobie Qualah
Mr. Winter Sports: Mitch Schiller
Mr. Spring Sports: Jessee Lynch
Mr. Football: Reggie Bonnafon
Mr. Basketball: Craig Owens
Mr. Baseball: Brady Pfaadt
Mr. Performing Arts: Lee Stein
Mr. Visual Arts: Mitchell Smith
Mr. Scholarship: Charlie Tancula
Mr. Congeniality: Michael Gilligan
Mr. Spirit: Henry Dent
Mr. Trinity: Mark Hines