From Library Media Specialists Mrs. Betsy DeGolian and Mr. Tim Jones:
Below is a link to our first library newsletter of the year, which we hope will give you some ideas about how the library can make things a bit easier for you. Please contact us at any time!
Trinity Library News
W. Peter Flaig Library Media Center
Welcome Back!
Sora–eBooks and Audiobooks
Gale eBooks
In addition to Sora, we also expanded our collection of Gale eBooks. These books are reference materials and allow you to download or link articles for your students, which you can post in Teams or Rockspace. You can also assign your students a research topic and have them use the Gale eBooks or other Gale databses (In Context, Literature Resource Center, and Opposing Viewpoints) to find vetted and accurate information on a variety of topics. You and your students will need to input the password “trinity” to access these resources.Below are some of the Gale eBooks we have. You can view a complete list here. The password is “trinity.”
Attached below the titles is our Databases Reference Sheet which gives you information about all the databases to which we subscribe. Feel free to share it with your students.
Library Databases Reference Sheet.docx
We Can Help!
If you find yourself wanting to integrate a new technology tool into your classroom but aren’t sure how, let us know. We are happy to help you integrate a variety of tools to assist your students, including:
- Digital breakout games
- Flipgrid
- Virtual reality
- Edpuzzle
- Pictochart and infographics
- Canva
- Adobe Spark, Screencastify and video creation
- Bitmoji classrooms
- And many more!
Let us know how we can help you!
Bitmoji Library
Have you seen a Bitmoji classroom and wondered what it is? The best way to answer that is to explore Trinity’s Bitmoji Library today In short, it’s a fun, visual way to engage students by simulating an in-person reality. Touring our Bitmoji Library, you’ll find objects hyperlinked to the catalog, ebooks and databases, new book titles, a form to sign up for LFPL PowerPlus cards, and even a room of library resources for the English department. For those who prefer something a little more basic, the library website still exists, and it now offers a Quicks Link section on the homepage. Email Tim if you have questions about how he created the Bitmoji Library or you would like assistance building your own Bitmoji classroom.Bitmojis are also a great way to conduct a digital breakout. Betsy has created a couple and would be happy to help you create your own with your content. Click here and here to see her examples.
We’d like to give a huge thanks to those teachers who agreed to conduct cross-curricular sessions connected to Goodbye Days. These sessions will help students process the book and show them that reading connects to all subject areas, not just English.If you’d like to view any of the planned sessions, the schedule, including Teams links, is below.
Goodbye Days Breakout Sessions.docx
Jeff Zentner Virtual Visit
Wednesday, Sep. 16th, 8am
This is an online event.

2020 Trinity Faculty&Staff Reading Challenge.docx