KUNA Rocks Bring Home Awards
The Rocks took part in a virtual Kentucky United Nations Assembly Mar. 18-19.
March 22, 2021
Trinity’s Kentucky United Nations Assembly 16-member contingent brought home Speaking Awards from the virtual event, held Mar. 18-19.
The Rocks participated under the leadership of Y-Club President Will Hodge and moderators Mr. Jorge Serrano and Mr. Walter Mata.
In addition to Hodge, the following took part: Ben McBride, Armaan Rai, Ryan Groza, John Vanetti, Tristan Dunn, Christopher Raymer, John Mackey, Aaron Demissie, Luke Brotzge, John Corbett, Lucas Osborn, Jeff Hafendorfer, Tyler King, Caleb Hennessy, and Henry Breit.
Serrano said of his group, “I am so proud of them. Congratulations!”