Safe Crossings for 22 Years

Brandon King, Staff Reporter

Anyone who has driven Shelbyville Road at 3 in the afternoon knows the traffic is heavy and constant. Crossing the road at that time of day can be a dangerous endeavor. Ms. Lynnette Krebs, a Traffic Control Officer for the Louisville Metro Police Department, has been helping Trinity students make safe crossings for the past 22 years.

Traffic Control Officer Lynette Krebs                      photo by Brandon King

“I have been in traffic control for 24 years, and I have been with Trinity for 22 of those years,” Krebs said. “My job is stopping traffic and making sure everyone is safe.”

“All of it” is the way she described the favorite part of her job. 

Krebs said the students she assists are “very polite. They thank me for helping them cross the street, tell me to have a nice day.”

Mr. Trevor Timmerberg, Trinity’s Director of Students for freshmen and sophomores, said of Krebs, “It is a blessing to us because she wants to be out there and help us and our families. The last thing we want is an accident to happen that will harm our kids or parents. She is kind of like the unsung hero by being out there.”

Mr. Randy Perkins, Director of Students for juniors and seniors, said, “Shelbyville Road is incredibly busy, so it just helps ensure that our students have safe access to and from the other side of the road.”

Two others also assist with traffic control — Mr. Kevin Schulz, who is also sometimes a substitute teacher at Trinity, and St. Matthews Police Department’s Greg Kellerman.

Of those who work helping control the flow of traffic and preventing accidents, Timmerberg said, “I hope they are safe and the students are respectful because they do an awesome job.”