Finding What is Needed

Riley Mason, Staff Reporter

In the fall of 2019, I walked into Trinity for my first classes.  I didn’t know at the time how much Trinity would shape me and affect my future.

Senior Riley Mason

While at Trinity, I decided I was going to play soccer. Through my four years in the program, I found my best friends, faced my hardest challenges, and pushed myself to be better. I found friends during the school year, pushed myself athletically, and challenged myself with different classes.

I pushed myself academically to become the best student I could become. I struggled in classes, had fun in classes, and thrived in other classes. Classes that I never thought in a million years I would like turned out to be my favorite classes — like Coach Owens’ English class or Mr. Perkins’ Business and Personal Law Class. At the start of the semester in both classes, I was debating whether to stay in them or to switch out.

A big reason I didn’t leave those classes was because I needed those teachers in my life. Both of those teachers impacted my Trinity experience more than they could ever think. I had both of their classes during hard times outside of my Trinity life, and they both shaped me in so many different ways.

As of now, going to Trinity has easily been the best decision I have ever made. I told myself going into freshman year I would find myself at Trinity, and that was the reason I chose it.

Now three and a half years and seven semesters later, I can truly say that I did just that. I found myself at Trinity High School.