New Right to Life Club Attends March for Life, Plans Service Projects

photo by Nate Zimmerman

Right to Life Club moderator Mr. Stuart Hamilton speaks with ECHO reporter Sam Travelstead.

Sam Travelstead and Nate Zimmerman, Staff Reporters

Along with thousands of others, Trinity’s Respect for Life Club took part in the March for Life, held Jan. 20 in Washington, D.C.

The new club, under moderator Mr. Stuart Hamilton, works to facilitate real-world change. In addition to taking the “pilgrimage” to Washington, Hamilton said the club will “work with homeless shelters…and pregnancy resource centers. It runs the gamut of dignity-of-life issues.”

Hamilton, a first-year Trinity theology teacher, also does work for the Archdiocese of Louisville as “pro-life activities coordinator.” He has been involved with right-to-life issues for the past 14 years. He has attended the March for Life 13 times and served as campus minister at Bethlehem High School, where he previously taught.

Hamilton, who has a master’s degree in theology from St. Meinrad Seminary and has taught for 15 years, said his job as club moderator is to “connect students with the opportunities they want to explore.”  He wants the club to engage in service projects “where we actually go out into the community and do something.”

Club members believe that it is not just individuals who can make an impact, but Trinity as a school can also do so. Club member senior Michael Johnson said, “Trinity’s importance in the Louisville community can help spread the message.”  Johnson said the club can give people “a new perspective” they may not have seen or understood before. He hopes to “do some service in the community.”

Club member freshman William Blake said, “It’s important to let people know how important life is.”

In previous years, the Rocks have taken part in the March for Life under the leadership of former Trinity teacher Mrs. Holly McGuire. A vital part of the Catholic-centered curriculum of Trinity touches on  issues that involve the right to life. The Right to Life Club gives interested students a deeper connection to the pursuit of dignity for all.