The student news site of  Trinity High School


  • Opening Mass - August 23
  • Freshman Academic Convocation - August 15
  • First day of classes - August 8
  • New Student Day - August 7
  • Book Day 2024 - August 5
The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


Sharing MetLife Stadium Needs to Change

Shaan Kalra, Staff Reporter January 18, 2017

Despite being finished for the year, two National Football League franchises have unfinished business.  The New York Giants and the New York Jets have been sharing a stadium since 1984, but that needs...

Are the Knicks the Next Beasts in The East?

Sergio Sanchez, Staff Reporter January 13, 2017

From three NBA finals, to competitive Knicks during the 1980s, to the Knicks that only won 17 games last season, and to competing to be one of the top teams in the East. The New York Knicks back in the...

Gaining a Different Perspective on the World

Gaining a Different Perspective on the World

Mitchell Ose, Staff Reporter January 9, 2017

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” Flying gives us a chance to look at...

Now is the Time for Patience and Compromise

Trevor Liebert, Staff Reporter January 6, 2017

In two weeks the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States will take place. In the two months since Nov. 8, the nation has remained polarized. It started with people rioting,...

What If Everyone Could be Exempt?

Michael Webb, Staff Reporter December 16, 2016

No study guides, no stress, zero anxiety, and out of school a week early. All these scenarios could be possible for everyone if all class levels had the opportunity to be exempt from end-of-semester exams. For...

Is It Doomsday for DC?

Donnie Rand, Staff Reporter December 15, 2016

The DC Extended Universe is a film franchise composed of three films thus far: "Man of Steel" (2013), "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (2016) and "Suicide Squad" (2016).  Though the franchise is still...

The Lost Art of Self-Sufficiency

Nick Craven, Staff Reporter December 15, 2016

From a young age we are being slowly trained to do things on our own.  The real question is where does that stop? When do we stop trying to be self-sufficient? From the standpoint of a younger person,...

Officer Elections Need More Chances for Discussion

Nick Mattingly, Staff Reporter December 12, 2016

With the results of the 2016 presidential election still fresh, it’s hard to not draw parallels between that election and our Senior Class officers election. While the stakes are much greater in the...

Kaepernick Needs to Find Another Way to Protest

Matt Gadd, Staff Reporter December 5, 2016

Usually back-up quarterbacks get very little attention, but that is very different in the case of Colin Kaepernick. He has led the National Football League in jersey sales and currently sits in the top...

photo by Nick Mattingly

Arguing Two Sides of a Historic Presidential Election — and Your Decision!

Justin DePrado, Staff Reporter November 4, 2016

With the election next Tuesday, Nov. 8, I took this opportunity to rack my brain and argue both sides: Why you should vote Trump and why you should vote Clinton.   Donald Trump should be the next...

Safe Zones: A War Against Free Expression

Hunter Mulloy, Editor in Chief September 22, 2016

A war has been raging for too long in this country. Political correctness has been shoved down people's throats like they are happy pills to make all the bad thoughts go away. The end is nowhere in sight...

Finding Baltimore -- A Tale of Cities

Finding Baltimore — A Tale of Cities

Forde Womack, Editor in Chief May 25, 2016

“There’s this guy on the corner who we call 'Hey Guy.' All he does is just yell ‘hey’ to people on the street,” Siobhan Fioramonti said. “He’s been gone for a while now; I hope he didn’t...