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The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


Mrs. Holly McGuire, senior Zach Allen and Chaplain Fr. Dave Zettel during opening Mass.

Faith at Trinity — ‘The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same’

Connor Rafferty, Staff Reporter March 2, 2017

“Father Steinhauser wrote his doctoral thesis in the 1930s about the ideal American Catholic high school. He had theological, educational, and civic values incorporated into what he wanted this school...

Rocks Hit the Slopes During Winter Months

Dominic Repp, Staff Reporter March 1, 2017

We call the fear of trying new things as neophobia. It’s hard to break from routine, from what we know is okay. Of course, when we think of sports, we think basketball, soccer, baseball, football,...

Censorship in Video Games on the Rise

Alex Garbus, Staff Reporter February 1, 2017

Video games are one of the most prominent forms of media in today’s world. As with other forms of media, video games often face the threat of censorship – the altering or removal of content to appease...

Serving Lunch to Shamrocks an Evolving Process

Hunter Mulloy, Editor in Chief January 23, 2017

During this senior's time at Trinity, lunch has undergone a number of changes that many may not have noticed but are an important part of most everyone's day. The changes include food variety, prices...

Still Just as Mysterious, the Legend of Bigfoot Continues

Donnie Rand, Staff Reporter January 9, 2017

The sun rose high above the California sky on Oct. 20, 1967. Two filmmakers, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin, set out on that clear afternoon to film some scenes in nature and search for an elusive...

Student Projects Examine The Holocaust

Robert Davis, Editor in Chief January 4, 2017

The Holocaust is one of the darkest events of human history, resulting in millions of deaths and some of the worst atrocities in human history. Trinity teacher Mrs. Betsy Darby’s students created projects...

Adorned with Christmas Touches, Trinity Chapel a Center of Faith

Adorned with Christmas Touches, Trinity Chapel a Center of Faith

ECHO Staff January 4, 2017

Theology teacher Mrs. Holly McGuire added some Christmas beauty to the Trinity Chapel.  

Initiatives Working to Continue Crime Decrease in St. Matthews

Hunter Mulloy, Editor in Chief January 3, 2017

More than 100 murders in the city of Louisville this year has people asking if we are becoming the next Chicago.  Questions arise: How did we let this happen, or how did this come to be?  Louisville...

'Tis the Season as Windemere Becomes a Place of Wonder

‘Tis the Season as Windemere Becomes a Place of Wonder

Cole Crush, Staff Reporter December 9, 2016

As the days get shorter, Windemere Place gets brighter with the season's beautiful Christmas lights. Windemere Place is not a typical neighborhood during Christmas time. Some families started putting...

Travis Liebert, Alex Arave, Jared Cox and Luke McFarland put in some practice time for the Rocks' quick recall team. Head coach Mr. Mark Amick is at his desk.

Quick Recall Rocks Aiming for Return to State

Trevor Liebert, Staff Reporter December 7, 2016

The moderator begins by reading a question about the author of "A Modest Proposal." A player buzzes in before the moderator can finish the question and answers, “Jonathan Swift." The player is rewarded...

For the Best in Shamrock Apparel, Check Out Trinity’s Campus Store!

ECHO Staff December 7, 2016

Check out Trinity High School's Campus Store! Please shop online for in-store pickup. 2016 Football Champs Gear available in store starting Wednesday, Dec. 7, 3:00 - 6:00 P.M. Our School Store...

This school year is the 30th in the Communication Arts Center.

Celebrating Three Decades in the Communication Arts Center

Dominic Repp, Staff Reporter November 16, 2016

Imagine walking toward Sherrin Avenue. The day is warm, the sky is blue, and you’re heading to class. You quickly hop up the steps and glance at the massive building as the words Communication Arts...