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The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


Phoenix Rises in Trivia Night Overtime Battle with Flannan and Becket

Phoenix Rises in Trivia Night Overtime Battle with Flannan and Becket

ECHO Staff February 17, 2017

Dante House finished as victor in the House Trivia Night contest. The Phoenix won in overtime. Flannan came in second and Becket third.  Mr. Matt Manning moderated the event as Mrs. Jackie Carrico and...

Trinity Contingent Witness to Historic Inauguration

Matt Gadd, Staff Reporter February 15, 2017

History is immortal. History was created in Washington, D.C., Jan. 20 when a new president was sworn in.  Sixty-four Trinity students witnessed the inauguration and had the time of their lives. The...

Costa Rica Trip a ‘Great World Experience’

Hunter Mulloy, Editor in Chief February 15, 2017

Witnessing the wonderful and the terrifying, a Trinity group traveled to Costa Rica for the second time in the past nine months. Following a trip to Costa Rica during the summer, Trinity teacher Mr....

Invaluable Lessons Learned by Teaching Overseas

Matt Gadd, Staff Reporter January 27, 2017

If you were given an opportunity to do what you love halfway across the world while getting paid, would you take it? You would be leaving your friends and your family -- and going to another country...

Rocks Attend Inauguration of 45th President, Visit Historic Landmarks

Rocks Attend Inauguration of 45th President, Visit Historic Landmarks

ECHO Staff January 26, 2017

Via charter bus, 64 Trinity students, along with faculty/parent chaperones, traveled to Washington, D.C., for the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president.  The group also explored the city’s...

Starting Christmas Vacation by Lending a Hand

Starting Christmas Vacation by Lending a Hand

ECHO Staff December 16, 2016

As the last i was dotted and the last t was crossed on the last exam, what was on the minds of nearly every student on campus? Hit the road and start Christmas vacation! For 22 young men and a few...

Trinity High School 2016 Hall of Fame Inductees: Judge David Stosberg '64; Mr. Mike Pfeiffer '85; Mr. John Hollenbach '79; Mr. Jim Connell '63; Ms. Kim Jackson, representing Mr. John Jackson '72; Mr. Chuck Servino '73

Trinity High School Hall of Fame Inducts Six New Members

ECHO Staff December 16, 2016

Six new members joined the Trinity High School Hall of Fame last night.  At the Hall of Fame Banquet, held in Alumni Hall, the following were inducted: Mr. Jim Connell ’63, Mr. John Hollenbach ’79,...

Rocks Share Spirit of the Season with Community Catholic

Rocks Share Spirit of the Season with Community Catholic

ECHO Staff December 14, 2016

Trinity played Santa yesterday afternoon, delivering about $5,000 worth of gifts to students at Community Catholic.  The Giving Tree campaign was coordinated by Mr. Chris Luken and the Campus Ministry...

Students From Argentina to Visit Trinity in January

ECHO Staff December 13, 2016

  Congratulations to Ian Karman, Baltazar Lora, José Vila, Iván Martínez, Gus Boyer, Jack Guffey, Mathew Richards, Ricardo Martínez and Derek Cornwell,  who will be participating in the...

Class of 2021 Begins Shamrock Brotherhood

Class of 2021 Begins Shamrock Brotherhood

ECHO Staff December 10, 2016

Hundreds of eighth-graders completed their first step to becoming members of Trinity's Class of 2021 by taking the placement test this morning. As parents convened for an information session in convocation...

Mr. Michael Budniak puts his all into the pushups Principal's Challenge.

Fall Moments — Skype, Hildegard House, Pushups and Thanksgiving Prayers

ECHO Staff November 28, 2016

Juniors Connect with Warrior Expeditions Founder Via Skype Juniors in Ms. Karen Flipper's English 303 class Skyped with Captain Sean Gobin, USMC (Ret.) as part of their career research project. Mr....

The Out of the Darkness walk took place Nov. 5 at the Waterfront Park.

Trinity Graduate’s Tragic Death Creates Hope for Others

Michael Webb, Editor November 22, 2016

42,773. The number of people who have committed suicide in the United States in 2016, with the number still rising. There have been 727 deaths in Kentucky alone. On average, one person takes their life...