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The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


Music Rocks Provide 'Hefty Dose of Christmas Spirit'

Music Rocks Provide ‘Hefty Dose of Christmas Spirit’

ECHO Staff December 13, 2021

Prior to this year's Christmas concert, Trinity music teacher and director of ensembles Mr. Scott Ross described the event as a "scripted to look like a late-night show -- complete with a host,...

The Rocks fell in a close one to Fern Creek 61-59.

Young Basketball Rocks 1-0 in District Play

ECHO Staff December 13, 2021

The young basketball Rocks fell in a close one to Fern Creek (61-59) after going 2-2 in their first four games.  They knocked off DeSales to open the season before falling to Male and Bardstown. In district...

Future Rocks taking the annual Placement Test on Dec. 11.

Trinity’s Class of 2026 Takes Placement Test

ECHO Staff December 11, 2021

Hundreds of eighth-graders took a major step toward becoming Trinity’s Class of 2026 by taking the Placement Test this Dec. 11 morning. The future Rocks filled Alumni Hall before heading to classrooms...

"From the lock on the bulletin board hangs a small, fuzzy black glove, which the owner probably wishes they hadn’t misplaced now. Turning to my left, I set off on my brisk evening walk."

So Very Much Along the Trail

Chris Raymer, Staff Reporter December 5, 2021

As I stray from the warmth and comfort of my car, out of the parking lot and onto the walking trail, the air hits me. There’s nothing like a November evening to chill you to the bone. I walk past a team...

Rocks Open their Doors to Holiday Spirit

Rocks Open their Doors to Holiday Spirit

ECHO Staff December 3, 2021

Trinity's House advising groups celebrated the Christmas season by decorating their classroom doors. The festive decorations were completed by Dec. 2 and were judged Dec. 3.  Winners will be announced...

Woodworking that Hits the High Notes!

Woodworking that Hits the High Notes!

ECHO Staff December 1, 2021

We knew Mr. Scott Ross, Trinity's music teacher and Director of Ensembles, could guide his students to create beautiful music.  We now know Ross also excels in creating beautiful wooden objects. From...

Rocks a Premier Delegation at Kentucky Youth Assembly

Rocks a Premier Delegation at Kentucky Youth Assembly

ECHO Staff November 23, 2021

Trinity's Kentucky Youth Assembly contingent won the Premier Delegation award. According to co-Y-Club moderator Mr. Walter Mata, this award is given to schools that excel in every aspect of the conference. The...

Operations Crew -- Front Row: Mr. Jesse Bollinger, Mr. David Hicks, Mr. Daniel Schroan, Mr. Robert Sexton. Back Row: Mr. James Wright, Mr. Chad Baldwin, Mr. Patrick Norris, Director of Operations Mr. Bill Hogg

‘Everything at Trinity’ Involves Operations Crew

Leo McAllister, Staff Reporter November 22, 2021

From graduation and Opening Mass in Marshall Stadium to a lunchroom filled with hungry students, nearly every aspect of Trinity involves the Operations crew.    The clean classrooms, hallways and...

English teacher Mr. Alex Dotsey is in his second year at Trinity.

New Trinity Teacher Not Deterred by Pandemic

Coilin Donaghy, Staff Reporter November 19, 2021

It's never easy to transition to a new place. Imagine doing so in the midst of a global pandemic. Trinity English teacher Mr. Alex Dotsey took on that challenge, joining the Rocks faculty last year. “The...

Twelve Rocks worked at the Dare to Care warehouse Nov. 18.

Rocks Raise Nearly $9,000 for Dare to Care

ECHO Staff November 18, 2021

House and Activities Director Adam Klein shared the good news about the Dare to Care Collection Campaign:  Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Dare to Care Collection Campaign. Thanks to your...

photo by Tri-Editor in Chief Owen McGreevy

Blood from Rocks as Trinity Gives the ‘Gift of Life’

ECHO Staff November 18, 2021

Trinity held a Red Cross Blood Drive on Nov. 18 from 8:30 to 1:30 in Shamrock Hall Gym.  Students (16 years of age or older) and faculty were encouraged to donate.  Trinity teachers Mrs. Mary Mason...

Trinity math teacher Ms. Carol Comstock wrote and illustrated a book called "The Most Amazing Pi."

Art Intersects Math in this ‘Amazing Pi’ Author’s Life and Classroom

Chris Raymer, Staff Reporter November 17, 2021

Few people are able to combine a passion for mathematics with a love of writing. Over the course of the pandemic, however, Trinity teacher Ms. Carol Comstock did just that. She is now a first-time published...