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The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


Electronics Club member Eric Gallehr-Miracle '20 gets the prop to turn.

The Disassembly

Zachary Santana, Staff Reporter May 25, 2021

It was about 15 minutes past three in the afternoon. I and two others were working on a broken television set. As members of Mr. CM's Electronics Club, we were disassembling a TV to fix a lighting...

Senior Peter Nugyen and friends hit the slopes.

As Temps Hit 90, Remembering Those Older, Colder Days

Peter Nguyen, Contributing Columnist May 21, 2021

The alarm rang, and the clock said 8 a.m. If it were a school day, I would’ve gone right back to sleep. Instead, I jumped out of bed because today wasn’t like any other day. It was a Wednesday....

For This Senior Officer, 'Pandemic Doesn’t Define Us'

For This Senior Officer, ‘Pandemic Doesn’t Define Us’

J.T. Evans, Contributing Columnist May 3, 2021

Our senior class is one like no other. We will forever be known as the “COVID” Class of 2021, who spent our entire last year dealing with a pandemic. We didn’t see our alphabetically opposite classmates...

Senior Class Officer: 'I Have Made Friends for Life'

Senior Class Officer: ‘I Have Made Friends for Life’

Gehrig Hagedorn, Staff Reporter April 30, 2021

Wow! Where can I even start? In life, you will have your fair share of difficult moments. Everyone will. I learned this firsthand at Trinity High School. Of course, there are people who shy away from these...

Shamrocks 2020-21 theme poster

For This Senior, Trinity Became ‘Second Family’

Owen Neumayer, Editor in Chief April 29, 2021

Four short years at Trinity High School have come to mean so much more to me than I could have imagined. I knew these past four years would be important to my future and would make a lasting impact on...

For Senior Class VP, Trinity 'Experience is Like No Other'

For Senior Class VP, Trinity ‘Experience is Like No Other’

Alex Moore, Contributing Columnist April 28, 2021

The Trinity experience is like no other. Trinity has done so much for me, as well as prepare me for my future endeavors. The second I stepped foot on Trinity’s campus, I felt the brotherhood. It was...

Senior Class President Calls Trinity Home

Senior Class President Calls Trinity Home

Vince Wolfram, Staff Reporter April 26, 2021

I walked into Trinity High School thinking I knew what I wanted out of my four years. I really wanted to challenge myself in class, to compete at a high level on the basketball court, and to meet some...

A Fatherly Homecoming

A Fatherly Homecoming

Tyler Eldridge, Contributing Columnist April 16, 2021

The chirping of birds and the blowing wind seep through the cracks of silence. A shiny coat of snow and ice covers all. Patches of snow reveal escaping heat from the roof while rays of sunlight pierce...

A Mockingbird’s-Eye View

A Mockingbird’s-Eye View

Sam DeLucia-Green, Contributing Columnist April 16, 2021

“BAM!” The soccer ball collided, yet again, with the plastic enclosure around the pitch at Mockingbird Valley. As I walked past the kids game with my friends, I could hear overly enthusiastic...

Walking with My Father

Walking with My Father

Liam O’Brien, Staff Reporter April 9, 2021

A winter morning with a little snow on the ground, we were up early and heading to the Public Defender’s office. I walked into my father’s brand-new office, with its very organized hills of paperwork. ...

For Rocks archers, repetition is key.

Complete Silence Before the Thunder

Joseph Eng, Staff Reporter April 8, 2021

Fifty archers once stood at these targets, creating an incoherent buzz that ran throughout the gym. Now there are only 20, and now the air conditioning unit dominates the other sounds. When this pandemic...

Neither cold nor rain nor mud.....

As Temps Hit 80, Remembrances of Cold Days Past

Jackson Bogel, Guest Columnist April 6, 2021

Into the wind. The park is populated with runners, joggers, and bikers, all braving the cold. Winds make it even colder, but the temperature is still bearable. Most do not welcome cold weather. Most...