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The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


Dr. Tom Zehnder and Mr. Gene Eckert face off in 1997.

Shamrock Flashback — Dr. Z and Mr. E from 1997

ECHO Staff May 13, 2015

A trip down memory lane leads to the recesses of the 1997 Trinity Shamrock, pages 40-41. Looking fondly at the late, great Mr. Gene Eckert and with deep respect for the ever energetic Dr. Tom Zehnder,...

Taking on the Teachers — Slamming and Spiking Against Old School

Evan Thompson, Staff Reporter May 12, 2015

Basketball, volleyball, Frisbee, bowling, Ping Pong. Students love playing against each other. Students also love playing against older competition. That's where teams of adults called Old School...

Artwork Captures Reactions to Genocide

Quinton Fewell, Staff Reporter May 12, 2015

After studying the Holocaust, and a brief survey of genocide in general, Trinity teacher Mr. Chad Waggoner's world civilization class sophomores created poetry and art expressing their reactions....

With Hawaiian Flavor, Mahalo Looks to Make Mark in Clothing Industry

Bob Heady and Daniel Russell, Staff Reporters May 12, 2015

One of the worst parts of being in high school is the lack of job opportunity. The Trinity gentlemen at Mahalo Clothes have found an alternate way to make money without having to clean toilets in a...

This Spirited Pair Investigates Ghosts

Forde Womack, Editor in Chief May 11, 2015

  Welcome to a world of paranormality, a place where the unusual is the usual and our guides are Trinity sophomores Tom Spalding and Kameron Jordon. These young investigators, who have some...

Attending Youth Ministry Council Affirmed Trinity’s Work

Bob Heady, Staff Reporter March 12, 2015

Everyone can improve, even those who are the best at what they do. That is why Trinity Campus Minister Mrs. Mary Emrich and Assistant Campus Minister Mr. Chris Luken attended the National Catholic...

Kentucky Humane Society Focuses on Saving Lives

Robert Davis, Staff Reporter March 11, 2015

Stitched in the grey jacket and the purple shirt are the words "Kentucky Humane Society -- Lifelong Friends." Thousands of animals would agree.  “We saved 6,000 something lives last year, and...

Energetic Faith Drives Archdiocese Vocations Director

Alec McGuire, Staff Reporter February 26, 2015

When a man in the Archdiocese of Louisville considers a possible call to the priesthood, where does he turn? Ultimately, it will be the Vocations Office of the Archdiocese and its director, Father Michael...

With Few Exceptions, Legal System Provides Blanket of Privacy for Students

Ryan Kelly, Editor in Chief February 23, 2015

A  study published in the journal Pediatrics in 2011 found "up to 41 percent of American adolescents and young adults have been arrested at least once for something other than a minor traffic violation." In...

By Majority Decision: This Whitehouse Makes Even the Supreme Court Fun

Tommy McConville, Editor in Chief February 6, 2015

“I have done really well in his class because we’ve been able to engage in practical applications of stuff, which in history is unheard of because one thinks of history as being very black and white.” Junior...

Louisville Becoming Bullish on Subterranean Cycling

Holden Mathis, Staff Reporter January 29, 2015

The words "underground" and "cycling" don't seem to go together,  but since September last year, avid cyclists, trail builders and staff of the Louisville Mega Cavern have been working on a 320,000-square-foot...

New Late Policy Yielding Positive Results

Ryan Cywinksi, Staff Reporter January 7, 2015

At the start of every school year, Trinity students have to take time to get re-adjusted to everyday school life.  One of the hardest adjustments is waking up in the early hours and getting to school...