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The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


Members of 'The Greatest Generation' Lauded During Drive-Through

Members of ‘The Greatest Generation’ Lauded During Drive-Through

ECHO Staff December 6, 2022

Members of "The Greatest Generation" passed through Trinity's campus down Sherrin Ave at 11:15 on Dec. 5.  Mission Barbeque coordinated the drive-through as a way of honoring World War II vets in the...

The Rocks brought home numerous awards from the Kentucky Youth Assembly.

Y-Club Continues Tradition of Excellence at Kentucky Youth Assembly

ECHO Staff December 2, 2022

Led by the school's Y-Club presidents, seniors Ben McBride and Chris Raymer, the senior class and underclassman members, Trinity continued its tradition of excellence at the Kentucky Youth Assembly. According...

Backyard Memories

Backyard Memories

Jake Disselkamp, Contributing Writer December 1, 2022

As I walked down the steps leading onto the patio, a cool autumn breeze gave me chills. I looked out into the large backyard of the house I have lived in most of my life, seeing childhood memories. There...

Culinary Rocks Take Cooking Skills to GE Center

Culinary Rocks Take Cooking Skills to GE Center

ECHO Staff November 30, 2022

The Trinity Culinary Club participated in a cooking experience at the new GE Monogram Center at GE Appliance Park on Nov. 30.  Club moderators Mrs. Rachel Hall and Mrs. Kathy Kiefer coordinated the trip.

Rocks shared tips on how to achieve high school success and becoming men of faith and character.

Rocks Share Tips on How to Succeed in High School

ECHO Staff November 29, 2022

Three Trinity seniors shared some wisdom with eighth-grade boys from St. Margaret Mary School. Rocks Mitchell Jacks, Michael Long and Mason Molinari spoke about what what it means to be a man of faith...

Rocks Lend a Hand at Dare to Care Food Bank Center

Rocks Lend a Hand at Dare to Care Food Bank Center

ECHO Staff November 29, 2022

Eleven Rocks learned firsthand what it takes to maintain a storehouse of food for those in need.  Accompanied by House and Activities Director Mr. Adam Klein, the 11 students assisted at the Dare to Care...

Life in the Extreme

Life in the Extreme

Mason Stith, Contributing Writer November 28, 2022

Cold breath buffets my face. My eyes wander and gaze at the desolate creek, which lies barren and dry. The trees dance overhead. They shake themselves to the beat of the wind and drop little gifts that...

Trinity Hosts Career and Technical Education Fair

Trinity Hosts Career and Technical Education Fair

November 28, 2022

A Career and Technical Education Fair took place at Trinity Nov. 17 from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Convocation Hall. According to Trinity Guidance and Counseling Department Chair Lucia Simpson, "This annual college...

Almost a Half Century of Shamrock Senior Retreats

Almost a Half Century of Shamrock Senior Retreats

ECHO Staff November 21, 2022

Senior Retreat has been part of the Trinity tradition since the mid-1970s, at that time led by Trinity Chaplain Fr. Dave Zettel '58 and Fr. Ron Domhoff.  Coordinated by Campus Ministry (Mrs. Mary Emrich...

Chinese Club Students Follow the Beat of the 'Waist Drum'

Chinese Club Students Follow the Beat of the ‘Waist Drum’

ECHO Staff November 21, 2022

Members of the Chinese Club/Class learned to play the yaogu, the "waist drum."  The students, under the direction of teacher Mrs. Yinghao Dong, played the medium-sized drum that is used in celebrations,...

Blood from Rocks!

Blood from Rocks!

ECHO Staff November 17, 2022

The Rocks were more than willing to donate blood during today's annual American Red Cross drive.  Mrs. Mary Mason and Mrs. Rachel Hall coordinated the daylong drive, during which 56 pints of blood...

Plenty of Kudos from Trinity Open House Guests

Plenty of Kudos from Trinity Open House Guests

ECHO Staff November 16, 2022

Some brisk temperatures and tons of smiles greeted the hundreds of guests who toured Trinity's campus during Open House on Nov. 13 from 1-5.   Director of Admissions Mr. James Torra shared some of...