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The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


The student news site of  Trinity High School


Why Journalism?

Why Journalism?

Davis Gallahue, Staff Reporter March 5, 2024

ECHO has a long history of providing journalism to the Trinity community. Currently, it is run by Alex Dotsey who leads a team of students in the online newspaper course. On top of helping his students...

Finding Community and Contentment with Trinity DOTA

Finding Community and Contentment with Trinity DOTA

Nolan Williams, Staff Reporter March 4, 2024

Trinity High School is the school of champions. Every year, our athletes take state titles, our seniors earn record scholarship money, and our students and alumni make communities better; this is why Trinity...

Behind the Curtain

Behind the Curtain

Dylan Henry December 15, 2023

Opening of the Curtain Theatre dates all the way back to the Ancient Greeks in 6th Century B.C.E., and from then has evolved into the magical experience it is today. For me, theatre has been around for...

Trinity's student section when the Shamrocks took on St. X for a second time in the season.

Friday Night Rocks

Brady Morgan December 8, 2023

The Shamrock’s football season went on for five whole months. Many Fridays, the Rocks hosted a football game at Shamrock Stadium. After each game, one could find articles on how good the Rocks' players...

Fusion: A Future Worth Pursuing

Connor Kalvar ’23, Guest Columnist June 4, 2023

Unlimited, clean power using the hydrogen from water as a fuel. It sounds like fantasy, right? With the use of fusion, it’s definitely possible. Usually, the term "green energy" evokes pictures of wind...

Memories for a Lifetime

Noah Meyers, Contributing Writer January 9, 2023

It’s hard to put into words how much my four years at Trinity has meant to me. I will cherish for the rest of my life the lessons I learned, events I experienced, and friends I made. I am beyond proud...

Building a Strong Foundation

Sam Travelstead, Staff Reporter December 31, 2022

My life has been centered around Trinity over the past four years. I have maintained and developed new friendships I will carry into college as well as beyond college. I have learned necessary life...

Finding What is Needed

Riley Mason, Staff Reporter December 31, 2022

In the fall of 2019, I walked into Trinity for my first classes.  I didn’t know at the time how much Trinity would shape me and affect my future. While at Trinity, I decided I was going to play...

A Place to Exceed Expectations

Drew Hatcher, Staff Reporter December 31, 2022

Trinity has meant the world to me and has influenced me in amazing ways. Trinity defines brotherhood to me. Growing up, I always heard of Trinity creating brother-like bonds, but I never fully understood...

Learning About Brotherhood

Drew Allen, Staff Reporter December 31, 2022

My Trinity experience has taught me many things. One of the most important is brotherhood. I remember hearing about it as a shadow, but being at Trinity and really experiencing it is something special....

A Walk Among the Trees

A Walk Among the Trees

Robby Durning, Contributing Writer December 15, 2022

Abominable gusts of autumn wind permeate the yawning surface of our street. The  driveway creates a colossal opening next to the forest. None of the trees of the forest dare to overhang the boulevard,...

A Natural Masterpiece

A Natural Masterpiece

Matthew Goatley, Contributing Writer December 9, 2022

The gravel driveway crumbled under my feet while I walked to the back of the property. With lead-colored cloudy skies and cold winds, goats were creeping around, making noises to show they were hungry...